Smart Marketing (aka Smarketing):
Where Creativity Meets Business
What is a creative marketer? An Artist? Designer? Entrepreneur? All of the above?
‘Creative marketing’ was once an elusive term in the business arena; where ‘creative’ translated to artistry and ‘marketing’ equated to entrepreneurship. To the layperson, ‘creativity’ and ‘business’ are two distinct categories that exist in their own silos, never thought to overlap or intertwine.
But in today’s business landscape, it is expected that businesses think creatively and creatives be entrepreneurial.
According to the Harvard Business Review, business success is dependent on creative strategy; requiring companies to be scrappy and employ out-of-the-box approaches for long-term sustainability.
At Gravity, we don’t believe in limits, nor do we let boundaries define us. We are smart creatives who also identify as bad*ss marketers. We coin ourselves ‘Graviteers’ because we are forward-thinking forces of nature and our clients are paramount. All in all, intersecting creativity with a business mindset is our jam.
So, what do you call a smart-marketer? A Smarketer.
Cross a ‘Smarketer’ with a ‘Graviteer’ and you got yourself a ‘SMARKETEER’.
Now, how exactly do we, Gravity Smarketeers, intersect creative-thinking when doing business?
- Collaborate WITH customers. We go beyond a ‘customer-centric mentality’ and work with you to expand your brand.
- Deliver complete EXPERIENCES for our clients, from project inception to finish.
- Amplify IMPACT through inspiration. We are proponents for creative marketing—and enthusiasm is our middle name.
- Develop creative STRATEGY. We bring creativity to scale and find tangible ways to measure project success.
- Create enterprise VALUE. We know the measure of marketing success isn’t in the input, but rather the value of the output.
Employing creative-thought is imperative to our business strategy. How do you get creative?
Are you also a fellow creative-marketer? Leave us a comment below and tell us how you get scrappy! For more breadth on creativity in marketing – check out: “What Creative Marketing Looks Like Today”.
-Maya Anderson