If you take a picture of a specially-created 2D bar code with your cell phone camera, you’ll be able to view the extended, multi-media experience consisting of reviews, video, directions, discounts, developing stories, or other info. Sears is placing them on in-store merchandise to show up-to-date reviews. And Nike has put them on posters which link to downloadable athlete videos, pictures, and fan data.*
Just grab your web-enabled mobile phone, snap a pic (Jagtag) or scan (ScanLife) the 2D barcode, and use their magical technology to transform the printed barcode into a multi-media experience. Is that cool, or what?
Visit: jagtag.com or scanlife.com and check it out for yourself.
–Susan Andrade
*”New ‘2D barcodes’ puts info at the tip of your camera phone” by Byron Acohido, USA TODAY, 2009