Gravity Celebrates the Presidents of These United States
We love our George Washingtons and Abraham Lincolns as much as the next person. But when it comes to Presidents Day at Gravity, we proudly take the entire day off to celebrate the lesser known Presidents—the Millard Fillmores, the Calvin Coolidges, even the Howard Tafts.
And in the great tradition of Gravity, as anyone who knows us will tell you, the way we celebrate these stellar men and their fellow POTUS’ (POTAI?), both sung and unsung, is to create signature cocktails in their honor.
So let’s all raise a glass to the men who led our country in victory and defeat, style and scandal, tight waistcoats, elaborate sidewhiskers, and funny hats. To each and every President of these great United States, we drink to you.
Here is just a small sampling of our suggested Hail to the Chieftails.
- Martini Van Buren
- Long Island Ike Tea
- Hot Toddy Roosevelt
- Beerack Obama
- Millard Fillmorjito
- Jimmy Sidecarter
- Calvino Coolidge
- Beers on Taft
- Gin F. Kennedy and Tonic
- Harry Trumanhattan
- Dwight David Budweisenhower
- George Herbert Walker Margarita Bush