Be attractive. Dress your brand for success.
Second in a series, THE 5 LAWS OF GRAVITY FOR A MORE SUCCESSFUL BRAND. When you’re creating or recreating your website, smart design is more than decoration. Smart design makes even the [...]
Brand Velocity. Fast and steady wins the race.
First in a series, THE 5 LAWS OF GRAVITY FOR A MORE SUCCESSFUL BRAND. In the race for brand awareness and ultimately brand loyalty, if you’re not moving forward, you’re falling behind. The days [...]
High on Branding. why we’ve got a need for weed
Or cannabis. Or pot or grass or bud or hemp or smoke or…. just plain marijuana. Anything but dope which is what we called it in the 1970s and which still elicits snorts of derision from my [...]
Sagmeister & Walsh’s new identity is a bit of a tragedy
I saw Stefan Sagmeister speak for the first time at a HOW conference in 2004 or 2005. His topic was Production. It was one of the most entertaining talks I’ve heard at any conference and the [...]
Refreshing Gravity
As we face a new quarter and a recovering economy, we at Gravity Design decided it was the opportune time to rebrand. We wanted to reflect our colorful style, bold approach, and modern thinking. [...]
Swag is a Battlefield
A recent Harvard Business Review article by Alexandra Samuel titled “The Science of Swag” started me thinking about promotional items and what our clients should really consider before producing [...]