Illustration styles: Don’t think, just scribble
When it comes to my personal artwork, I constantly experiment with different approaches. Partly because I haven’t identified with a specific style, but mostly because I just like to challenge [...]
Don’t think. Just draw.
This past year, I started realizing how little personal art I’ve done. It wasn’t due to a lack of effort, but more a lack of patience and commitment (okay, and some lack of effort too). I tend to [...]
Retail = Rebuild
Though the devastating earthquake struck over two months ago, Haiti is barely beginning to rebuild and will need aid for years to come. There have been many calls for donations, especially [...]
Inkspiration Part 1: tech tattoos
Sailors do it. Musicians do it. And now even geeks and grandmas do it. These days tattoos are almost ho hum, almost de riguer. But still of intense interest to designers and other fans of visual [...]
How to Exit a Conversation.(Networking tips for the painfully shy–Part 4)
For a shy person, ending a conversation can be as hard as starting one. I realized this first-hand when I attended an event of a professional organization (AIGA) where I’d been a board member and [...]
How to not hate networking(10 tips for shy people–Part 3)
Anybody who is great at anything will tell you that it took a lot of practice to get to that point. In networking it is pretty much the same—especially if you are shy. You have to practice and [...]
How to not hate networking(10 tips for shy people–Part 2)
I hope you had a chance to practice my three simple networking tips from last time. That wasn’t so hard was it? Here are three more that are certain to make your next experience more rewarding.
How to not hate networking (10 tips for shy people)
First, I’d like to say that I myself hate networking. The prospect of walking into a room and meeting a bunch of strangers to talk about yourself can be a very frightening and paralyzing [...]